I just wanted to make a post to call attention to the fact that I have not been updating this blog as much as I would like. Hopefully pinning this reminder will act as a Scarlet Letter ("L" for laziness) and I will get back on schedule with new content.
However, I do have an excuse! Between traveling to Japan in April and then Canada in May, I decided to pretty much "take off" the month of June, due to the idea that I needed a break... you know, going on two vacations can really take a lot out of you. After a month of doing nothing, I've spent most of July preparing for two large projects/events. Speaking of which, I am currently rushing to finish preparations for the 2nd of these events, which is a presentation on Japanese Tea at Otakon (the US's 2nd largest Asian culture convention). I've hosted this panel for the past two years, however this year I will find myself in a room that can seat 1700 people, so I've been slightly freaking out about that.
Why should you care about any of this? I'm hoping to videotape the panel this year and it might find it's way into an interesting post on here. If it doesn't though, at least I have publicly delivered my excuse for not updating.
Stay tuned, true believers!